Dear Baby Z,

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You are two months today!

In this month you have doubled in size mashaAllah. You seem to be on the taller side and have outgrown clothes that fit you just two weeks ago. Well, I guess need to remember that’s just 1/4th of your life till now.

You now smile a lot and smile freely. On most days you wake up with a big smile that just makes my day. You coo and make sounds when we talk to you. You love your massage and bath time with your uppa, you smile and gurgle and talk in your cute lil baby language as he slathers coconut oil on you (There’s no escaping the mallu, Z).

We went out with you a couple of times and it was a sight to see you react to the outside world. You were like a llil excited puppy turning your head left and right and taking in all the lights.

We found a hack to manage doing chores with you around. We just pop you into the carry cot which you somehow seem to believe is prison because you become absolutely still in it. Dont know how long till you figure out that you can move around in it. ????

Today is also the day I rejoined work. It breaks my heart to leave you behind but I also need to do it. For me. And for you .And I pray Allah makes it the best decision for us as a family.

The other day I was sorting through your clothes (you have more clothes than us lil lady) and realized your new born onesies dont fit you now. They are literally half rhe size you are currently wearing! I know I should be esctatic that you are growing well, mashaAllah, but a little bit of kt heart breaks to as month by month you grown out of your littleness. Soon you won’t want to be held as much as you do now. So I can’t throw away these cute onesies that don’t fit you anymore. I’ll keep them with me, to remind me of the time you fit so perfectly, so snug, in the crook of my arm. How you insitinctively fold around my shoulder. How you bend and turn and dig your head and elbows into me till you are comfortable.

You are just perfect, Z. You have made my life infinitely better and more colorful.



Nazreen Fazal

Nazreen Fazal

Writer, Wife, Mother, Indian, Muslim. So many labels, one me. I write, I rant, I ramble in order to make sense of everything happening around. Join me on this journey as I share snippets of my life, going about work, my parenting wins and fails, and the murky waters that's long distance marriage.


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