Dear Baby Z,

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You have been earth side for four months now. Four months of making our days better. You have made your parents tired but better people ????

This month you started grasping onto toys and exploring how touch feels. Your favorite toy right now is your cylindrical star pillow. You are always smiling at it like the pillow is sharing some inside joke with you.

You now recognize the people you meet daily. Alhamdulillah you love your baby sitter, which is a big relief for your mamma. You try to turn over a lot which means mamma is always dreading the eventual phase of not leaving your unsupervised for a second. You are noisy feeder and are quite happy humming loudly to yourself while feeding. You have the cutest laugh that makes my tiredness fade away, even if for a few minutes only. You enjoy being held up in the air, it brings out the most adorable toothless, open mouthed smile. You are quite fiesty and we are now used to you scolding us when we annoy you with one too many kisses and cuddles. You used to fuss about having your medicines but now we found the perfect way to make you have it- distract you with a book. ‘Roar went the lion’ is your absolute favorite right now. I have your 100% attention when I am reading it to you. You forget everything around when that book is in front of you. Which means medicines without gagging. Thank god!

What I love right now is how many virtual aunts and uncles and baby cousins you have. They are all watching you grow and cheering you on. You don’t realize how much love surrounds you Z. From people who haven’t even met you! You are blessed, be grateful for it always my love.

I can’t wait to grow with you over the months and years to come …



Nazreen Fazal

Nazreen Fazal

Writer, Wife, Mother, Indian, Muslim. So many labels, one me. I write, I rant, I ramble in order to make sense of everything happening around. Join me on this journey as I share snippets of my life, going about work, my parenting wins and fails, and the murky waters that's long distance marriage.


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