The dam inside my mind
The dam inside my mind, which has been holding in all the ideas and inspiration for some time now, has begun leaking, threatening to burst. I wake up thinking about something to write about and go to bed with another interesting idea. Sometimes I get an idea as I am stirring the curry, at other times as I am nursing my daughter to sleep.
Maybe it’s the effect of my parents visiting and my mother being here now. Her presence has lifted an invisible mental load off me. I find myself feeling more rested and at ease. She has taken over the house, letting me relax and catch up with myself. I didn’t realize how much catching up with myself I had left. With Umma here I find myself reflecting more and these reflections are yearning to be put to words and sent to the world.
I know I have neglected this space for some time. I haven’t been writing even a quarter of what I used to. Honestly it’s because of how so many parts of my life have been so overwhelmingly consumed by motherhood, leaving me with little to no mental energy to expend. Even when I have free time, it has been difficult to get into that groove. You folks have been very kind though, still sticking around and reading what little I do write. (And reading all my cheese momhood posts!) Thank you!
These days I feel myself getting back to that creative space again, alhamdulillah. I have a couple of article ideas listed in my mind and hope to work out some kind of posting schedule again. I have in mind a series on ‘Things I wish I knew before (college/higher ed/marriage/pregnancy)’, a few articles on our road trip to Makkah and Madina with my parents, a piece on our recent visit to the Saudi culture and heritage festival. What do you guys think?
I am really psyched about getting back on track again, missed this!